Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tipping the Iceberg! (SUCCESFUL!!!)

Hey guess what? We tipped the Iceberg on CP! Lieing? NO! Heres some pics:

We figured that wouldn't work out, so we tried the other side!
That's when it worked :D!
Then my dumb camera ran out! >:(
I was so mad! But wait do I see Gary in that pic? Was he spying on our tippign party? LOL!



  1. Ok hey my name is Connor Smith! wierd...
    anyway ya i coomment did you reely tip it??? i dont think its possible! :p

  2. it did sooo not tip! i dont believe u can tip the iceberg but i could be rong.....

  3. Hi there. I would respectfully request that you need to stop using my name immediately. I will only ask nicely once.

    Thank You,

    Jeff "Swampy" Marsh
